MyBrandPromo Inc.®

Choosing the Right Promotional Products for Your Business

When considering promotional products, there are a several important factors to take into consideration before placing your order. Your sales representative can assist you with choosing the correct audience, quality, quantity, price, and time frame for each promotional item you choose to represent your business.


The most important thing to consider is audience- who will receive your promotional products? People will want to receive something that is useful to them, and if you give them something useful, the odds of them keeping and using it are very high.

Once you have decided what category of product your audience would like, consider your budget. What can you get for the money you want to spend? Don’t forget that things like setup fees may come into play, so be sure to develop projects with your sales rep to avoid surprises. At My Brand Promo, we work with you every step of the way, and proudly offer transparency with your order to avoid excess charges at the end. This will also determine how your product is distributed; are these earned by loyal customers, given to anyone that comes into your business, or direct mailed to specific customer? After choosing a price range and budget, our sales reps can help you narrow down your options into a few great items!


Depending on your budget, you will want to choose the best quality product for your dollar. Instead of choosing a high number of poorer quality products that may malfunction and leave your potential customers disappointed, choose a high quality product and distribute it to key members of your target audience. Sales representatives can order samples of items you’d like to see up close before you place your order, or My Brand Promo may already have it in stock! This allows you to be confident in the quality of the product you are distributing.


Once you have an idea of what you will be distributing and to whom, it’s time to consider quantity. Are these items you need to keep on hand in case a new customer comes to your business? Can you save a significant amount of money if you order more at once? With items that are screen printed, such as apparel or some hard goods, the per-piece cost can be significantly reduced by ordering a larger quantity. Your My Brand Promo representative will be able to provide any information you need for quantity price breaks and ensure you get the best deal for your dollar!


After establishing all of the above, it is time to look at the price. My Brand Promo, Inc. is very competitive with their pricing for promotional products and can get you a great deal on what you need. As mentioned previously, the larger the quantity, the more you save. If you find an item you think would be perfect but is above your price point, discuss it with your sales representative! Part of his or her job is to find a comparable product that will wow your audience and not break the bank. Often times we have very similar items at different price points that are sure to fulfill your needs.

Time Frame

A typical production time for an order is 10 business days, but please plan ahead! It is easy for a holiday to sneak up on us, but having a great relationship with your sales representative is a great way to get your order in before you run the risk of a rush charge, or worse- not getting your item in time to distribute!
Ordering products for events can be a similar situation. In order to guarantee that your products will be there in time, we like to place your order with enough time to allow for the unexpected delay! Keeping a calendar of events for your company and sharing that with your sales representative is a great way to stay ahead of the curve!